Rules Of Skylander School

The rules of skylander school are not supposed to be broken at all costs no matter what even if you get credit for it. 1. Think Before You Comment : Commenting is not a place to break the barriers in its a place to tell about if it helped you or not. Its a place to not be mean. Please leave an comment alone if it is postive. 2. Tests must be taken unless you are not on the chapters : We will have tests soon for more advanced people and all test will be over chapter four. All tests must be tried and if you fail there is no punishment. Tests will only be to test your knowledge on skylanders. 3. Listen To The Lessons : Listening to the lessons wont make you pass more tests but beat the games faster. Lazy people who dont listen will have to take down tons of the villans when they already have beat the game. They will also have mostly a wrong answer in the test and will take longer to get the rest of the chapters. This will be changed once more rules get accepted. Bye everyone and this is all for today see you soon.

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